So with the onset of Summer, I look forward to cottons. Its the only thing that keeps me fresh. If you are from a warm place, like me, you would know how important it is to wear cotton for the circulation of air and to keep you fresh. In Mumbai, where I was earlier, it would be warm all year round. We would wear a lot of cotton, hosiery and light material clothes that allowed air circulation. Most of these clothes were printed. And talking of prints, Paisley along with different kind of motiffs were extremely popular. As a child I had always learnt that Paisley originated in India by the Persians. So when the Mughals came along they brought their own cultural attributes and one of them was the Paisleys. Indian of course developed their own words and rhythms around it, but what's interesting is how popular it is all across the world. As a child I learnt to call it 'Kolke' in my language. Today I call it the Paisley. But between then and now, nothing much has changed. Because I still love it.
Do you have a favorite style? I would love to know and have a conversation with you. So, please do leave behind your comment, suggestion, insights, love notes... I am listening.
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